Wrap up video of the 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference

The 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference wrap up video is now available. The conference took place on the 16th and 17th of December 2020 as an online conference.

FEFAC President Asbjørn Børsting was invited by DG AGRI to present “Main drivers for the feed sector and some of the key adaptive solutions”. The wrap up video of the 2020 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference is now available. During these two days: 1399 participants connected to the conference to discuss about the future of agriculture in the European Union. All the conference recordings and relevant material are available on the European Commission’s conference website. The conference’s 3D Digital Gallery remains available for you to find information on the EU Agricultural Outlook report – and more.

Asbjørn Børsting, (PowerPoint), recalled in his keynote to the session on arable crop market drivers that it is crucial to keep an open access to international markets in order to maintain EU and global food security and the competitiveness of the EU feed and livestock sector.  He focused on key FEFAC sustainability charter 2030 ambitions promoting the use of the EU PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules) for feed to calculate Green House Gas emissions linked to feed production and the “one nutrition approach” to improve nutrient efficiency along the whole food chain. He also called for the use of new genomic techniques as one of the key solutions to tackle Climate change, by boosting EU vegetable protein production. He invited DG Agri to tackle Farm to Fork dilemmas by conducting an impact assessment on food security of the new targets and proposed policy measures (e.g. too high reduction in fertilizer norms will lead to lower protein content in EU grains and leading to an increase of protein import).