PRESS RELEASE: Registration Open To FEFAC XXIX Congress


FEFAC has opened the registration for its XXIX Congress on 3-5 June 2020. The FEFAC XXIX Congress is organised in cooperation with BFA, the Belgian Feed Association, and takes place at the Flanders Meeting & Convention Centre, located in the prestigious Queen Elisabeth Hall in Antwerp, Belgium.

The FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 will be presented at this occasion. The Charter is part of FEFAC’s implementation plan of its Vision 2030. The Charter will include five feed sector ambitions that seek to positively impact the sustainability of livestock production in Europe. It will provide meaningful and practical industry commitments responding to the EU’s Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy. All FEFAC member association have contributed to the Charter development and will highlight their own working priorities and sector commitments.

The Congress programme features key note speeches from the European Commission and the Belgian authorities as well as inspiring sustainability case studies from sectors both inside and outside the European livestock sector.

FEFAC President Nick Major: “The FEFAX XXIX Congress provides a unique opportunity for the European feed industry to highlight its proactive contribution to the livestock sector’s transition to a low carbon economy. Our sector guidelines on responsible sourcing and the measurement of environmental impacts offer practical solutions enabling our members and value chain partners to demonstrate which essential role they play for the development of a more sustainable food production system”.